Record numbers at our Feb 23 Professional Development Day
February 26, 2024Last Friday, 23 February 2024, we ran a highly successful Professional Development Day at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. With over 330 in attendance, the day was a mix of technical development, personal development and networking.
Our Key-Note addresses bookended the day and both were highlights of the program. We opened with The Hon. Melissa Horne MP (Minister for Local Government) who provided the opening Keynote Address and closed with internationally renowned Leadership Speaker, Holly Ransom.
Some of our presenters have provided copies of their presentations to share with FinPro members:
- Economic Outlook – Phin Ziebell, Head of Research, TCV)
- Diversity and Inclusion – Dr Niki Vincent, Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner, and Tracey Egan, Gender Diversity & Equity Coordinator, Monash CC
- Launch of the Model Budget 2024/25 and Model Financial Statement 2023/24 – Daniel O’Shea and Kevin Waller, Local Government Victoria
- VAGO Update
The FinPro AGM was also held during the day and we congratulation the new FinPro Executive Team for volunteering their time to assist the sector.
The FinPro Executive for the coming year will be:
- Bradley Thomas (Hepburn),
- Aaran Gerrard (Whittlesea),
- Alan Wilson (Melbourne),
- Belinda Johnson (Horsham),
- Binda Gokhale (consultant),
- Chen Wei (Yarra City),
- Fiona Rae (Golden Plains),
- John Brockway (Warrnambool),
- Melissa Baker (La Trobe)
- Nathan Morsillo (Bendigo),
- Navel Lorkin (Knox),
- Simone Wicks (Monash),
- Tony Rocca (Maroondah) and
- Gabrielle Gordon (Secretary/Treasurer, FinPro – paid position).
A very special thanks was given to Danny Wain, former President and Vice-President of FinPro, who resigned from the FinPro Executive at the AGM. After decades of service to the sector, and over 20 years of service to FinPro, Danny leaves a legacy of collaboration and dynamic facilitation to the sector and will be greatly missed.
Thank-you to everyone who attended for making this day so successful, and finally, thanks to our Networking Sponsors, Payble Pty Ltd.