Keeping Members Updated Webinar- 24 Feb 2022
February 25, 2022Over 230 FinPro members sat in on our webinar on 24 February.
Facilitated by Tony Rocca, Vice President FinPro, 4 speakers shared their knowledge and information via the online format.
Recordings of each of the speaker are now available to view or listen too, as are the speaker slides.
Economic Outlook – presented by Keenan Jackson, Senior Economic Specialist from .id (informed decisions)
As councils work through their budget process, this session covered areas of International, National and local issues significance.
Capitalisation and Intangible Assets – presented by Martin Thompson, Senior Partner, Crowe Australasia
A number of FinPro members have posed questions to our Executive in relation to the accounting treatment of intangible assets. Martin Thompson provided a short session to discuss the accounting treatment and give some insight into this topic. He has also shared a couple of documents that may assist in this area:
Accounting guidance for capitalisation of cots relating to cloud-based software
Configuration or customisation costs in a cloud computing arrangement
Launch of the 2022/23 Model Budget and 2021/22 Model Financial Statements
The Sector Working groups have now completed both the 2022/23 Model Budget and the 2021/22 Model Financial Statements.
Links to both documents are available on the LGV website – LGV – Sector Guidance: Planning and reporting
Daniel O’Shea, Program Manager Finance and Reporting, LGV, launched both documents and ran through the steps involved in reviewing the models as well as the major changes in both these documents from last year.
VAGO Update and Introduction – presented by Travis Derricott, Sector Director Financial Audit, VAGO
Travis Derricott is the new Sector Director, Financial Audit at VAGO. Travis has recently taken over this role from Sanchu Chummar.
During this session Travis introduced himself, shared some insight into the structure of VAGO and gave some timely advise for councils as they prepare for year end.