2020/21 Council Budget Parameters and Budget Adoption Timelines
July 9, 2020FinPro have recently conducted a survey of councils to understand some of the budget parameters and budget adoption timelines for the coming year.
This survey was conducted in response to a number of queries received from our members. Hopefully it provides you with a useful point of reference.
The data is current as at 10 July 2020, noting that a number of Councils are yet to adopt their final budgets. The information therefore is subject to change.
FinPro will continue to update this document and request those councils yet to adopt their budgets confirm their final position once endorsed.
This will lead to a final consolidated picture post 31 August 2020.
Rates 20.21 year – rises, waivers and adoption timings – August 2020
Thank you to all Councils for your input to date.
Following on from this survey, in August 2020 FinPro have prepared a report which has been distributed to the following:
- Minister for Local Government, The Hon. Shaun Leane
- Victorian Auditor-General, Mr Andrew Greaves
- Acting Executive Director LGV – Mr Colin Morrison
- CEO MAV – Ms Kerry Thompson
- All Council CEO’s and Mayors (via the general council email addresses)
- All FinPro Members
FinPro – Letter and report to Sector 2020 – Rates Budget and COVID-19