Local Government Bill 2019
August 5, 2019FinPro has made contributions to each consultative stage of the Local Government Bill and we were somewhat surprised by the addition of this “fifth” stage of consultation and further, particularly disappointed with the limited timeframe to lodge a submission.
With Council elections due in October 2020 and several of the new reporting requirements with critical timeframes linked to the elections (e.g. by 30 June post the election) we have asked that satisfactory transition provisions are put in place to ensure councils can effectively consult/engage/ integrate/implement these key planning documents. Particularly we have requested direct assistance to councils and additional resources at LGV to implement the planning suite of document guidelines & regulations.
LG Bill submission by FinPro 31 July 2019
The Local Government Rating Review Panel have now commenced work, with the view of finalising their report in March 2020.
FinPro has requested a position at the table for the Rating Review and also canvassed the Revenue Managers (RMA) with a view to possibly lodging a joint submission when further submissions are called. Further details of the review are available on the Website: https://www.localgovernment.vic.gov.au/council-governance/victorian-local-government-rating-system-review
FinPro also made a submission at the end of July on behalf of members relating to the consultation process. LG Rating Review Submission 11.7.19