18 June 2021 – Professional Development Recordings – Victorian Ombudsman, The ESC and Financial Plans / LTFP’s
June 22, 2021We ran a session for members on 18 June 2021 which was very well attended.
Copies of the recordings and, where applicable, presentation slides, are now available.
Part 1: comprises the first two sessions.
Speaker 1. Deborah Glass – Victorian Ombudsman
Deborah spoke about the recent investigation her office completed into financial hardship and the way Councils deal with this matter. .
Speaker 2. Linda Marson – ESC – Linda provided an overview on the recent report prepared by the ESC – Local Government Outcomes Report 2021 as well as a practical discussion about the their dashboards, how they can be accessed, possible uses etc.
Part 2: Practical session on how councils are going to achieve finalisation of their Council / City Plan and Long-Term Financial Plan by October 2021
Presentations – Nathan and Adam
- Nathan Morsillo – Manager, Financial Strategy, City of Greater Bendigo
- Adam Taylor, Manager Finance, Corangamite Shire, and
- Ross McKean, Treasurer, City of Melbourne
We heard from three finance professionals from varying sized councils on how they are approaching their project plan, providing some detail on how they will engage, what are the critical conversations to have, what data analytics may be required and other practicalities of building a 10yr long term financial plan.